What is PRP Treatment

Scientists have shown that increasing blood flow to hair follicles can promote hair growth. As a matter of fact, male pattern baldness occurs when the required amount of nutrients does not reach the hair follicles. So if we can somehow support the hair follicles, we can significantly reduce the amount of hair loss. This is exactly what PRP treatment does to stimulate hair growth. PRP can increase blood flow to hair follicles and ensure that they get the nutrients they need. The PRP procedure can be divided into 3 steps: collecting the blood, processing it, and injecting it into the patient’s scalp.

First, doctors take the required amount of blood from the patient. This amount is very small and should not cause any discomfort. After collecting blood from the patient, doctors centrifuge and separate the blood. Finally, they inject the processed blood into the patient’s scalp.

Is PRP Treatment Safe in Turkey

In a PRP treatment, doctors inject cells that belong to your own body. This means that the procedure is completely safe. It is not possible for your body to reject the injection or have an allergic reaction. This is just one of the things that makes PRP treatment safer than some other hair restoration methods.

On the other hand, PRP is not an operation and therefore it is a painless procedure. You will not feel any pain or discomfort during the entire PRP therapy session. Moreover, you will not need time to recover after the procedure. You can go home right after therapy and do what you normally do in your daily life. The only thing you should avoid in the first 24 hours after PRP treatment is washing your hair. There is no other restriction after PRP treatment, you are completely free.

What are the benefits of PRP

First of all, what doctors inject into your scalp is your own cells, nothing synthetic. This is a big plus considering that some synthetic chemical products can cause complications. In addition, the hair growth you will experience after PRP treatment is completely natural.

After having your PRP treatment in our clinic, your life will improve in many different ways. This is not surprising, because we all know the negative effects of hair thinning on our psychology. You will feel much more confident when the quality of your hair starts to improve after PRP treatment. In addition, thanks to your new thick hair, you will look much younger and feel more dynamic.

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PRP Treatment Cost in Turkey

The cost of a PRP treatment can vary based on a number of factors. One of the things that can affect the cost of PRP treatment is the location of the clinic. Clinics in some countries can charge a lot of money without even providing good services. On the other hand, there are some clinics that charge very low prices, but their business can be very sloppy. For this reason, we recommend that you be meticulous when choosing your clinic and doctor.

Turkey is an excellent country for PRP treatment. The country is already famous worldwide for offering high-quality and affordable cosmetic and medical services. Many tourists from all over the world come to Turkey for PRP treatments and other procedures.

However, it is not possible to offer PRP treatments at a fixed price. Because each patient receives personalized treatments, therapy procedures may differ from patient to patient. You can contact us for more detailed information.

What is Mesotherapy Treatment

Another effective and long-lasting way to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss is mesotherapy treatment. When the hair follicles on the scalp do not receive enough nutrients, your hair will begin to fall out and become thinner. Mesotherapy sessions can support your scalp with essential nutrients to promote significant hair growth.

In a mesotherapy session, doctors will inject a wide variety of nutrients into the patient’s scalp. The components of the injections will differ from one patient to another. To determine what each patient needs for their injection, doctors will begin by diagnosing the patient’s scalp and hair. After determining the required nutrients, doctors will inject the solution into the patient’s scalp. The solution to be injected may contain amino acids, various vitamins, minoxidil, minerals and reducing agents.

Benefits of Mesotherapy

Eliminating hair loss is a great achievement in itself, but a mesotherapy can offer more than that. First of all, after the mesotherapy sessions, the new hair that you will grow will be much brighter and thicker than the old one. Moreover, both men and women can benefit from the wonderful mesotherapy treatment.

As we age, the amount of minerals and vitamins in our bodies may decrease. This can cause hair loss. Injections in the mesotherapy process will give you the minerals and vitamins you need to grow hair. As a result, you will be able to preserve the color of your hair and prevent graying.

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Is Mesotherapy Safe

Mesotherapy is an extremely safe procedure and does not involve any risk. First of all, mesotherapy is not a surgical procedure. It simply involves injecting an additional solution into the scalp. Therefore, you do not need time to recover after mesotherapy and the procedure is completely painless.

You are free to go to work immediately after the mesotherapy session, the procedure does not cause any discomfort. It also does not require any special precautions to prepare for mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy Costs in Turkey

Although the positive effects of the procedure are miraculous, the costs of mesotherapy are more affordable than other hair loss solutions. Some factors can affect the cost of a mesotherapy session. These factors include the location of the clinic and the experience of the doctors.

Another factor that determines the cost of mesotherapy is the content of the injection solution. The price may differ for each patient, depending on the content that doctors need to inject into the patient’s scalp. If you want to have mesotherapy and want to know the prices, contact us immediately.

PRP and Mesotherapy in Turkey

  • In a mesotherapy session, doctors inject a special solution into the patient’s skin, while in PRP, they inject processed blood.
  • For optimum results, 5 – 8 mesotherapy sessions are needed, and PRP 7 – 10 sessions.
  • A single session of both procedures will take approximately 30 – 60 minutes.
  • A PRP treatment usually costs more than a mesotherapy.

FAQ About PRP and Mesotherapy

During the procedure, doctors do not do anything painful, so it is completely painless.

To achieve the best results, you need to have 8-10 sessions of PRP treatment. As a result, you will see extremely positive developments in your hair.

It is difficult to say which procedure is better for you without a diagnosis. While PRP gives better results in some patients, mesotherapy may be more successful in some patients. It all depends on the patient’s needs.

Yes, you can have both procedures and you will get much better results as a result.